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The Rice Terrace of the Mountain Ranges


Welcome to our restaurant!

A restaurant's name depends on its food and service, but, like any business, success also depends on good advertising. Building a web site is a great way to advertise, allowing us to introduce ourselves to people outside our area, modernize our image, and provide useful information about our business.

We'll use our home page to highlight the key features of our restaurant so people have the information they need at their finger tips. Along with a description of the type of cuisine we serve and any special or differentiating features we have (such as dancing, function rooms, or a smoke-free environment), we might include the following information:

Our address
Our business hours
Our reservation policy
Which credit cards we accept

Please be sure to sign our Guestbook below and let us know what you think of this site and our restaurant. You can also send us e-mail privately through the "Contact Us" page. We're always looking for ways to improve.

thelfa Twylah
                           Fan Page


A couple dining in a restaurant; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Here we might include a picture of our restaurant, or of one of the dishes we consider a specialty of the house.

Fruit Tree Projects

 Guestbook Web Gem 


Ho, Everyone


thelfa Twylah
                           Fan Page